Join the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Named for the Greek goddess of purity, wisdom and strength, Athena® was created for the cause by breast cancer survivor Trish May. The support and care she received during treatments and recovery inspired her to become part of the search for a cure. Her belief that everyone can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer with a simple bottle of water continues through the efforts of everyone at DS Services of America, Inc.
A Fearless Warrior
The Greek Goddess Athena was a fearless warrior who believed in fighting for a just cause. We see Athena's strength exemplified in every woman who battles breast cancer - and those who care for her. Order Athena® bottled water delivered directly to your home or office and make a difference in the fight against breast cancer - a little water could make a BIG difference!
How You Can Help
Every time you purchase* Athena® bottled water, DS Services® contributes a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer research, awareness and education, with a minimum contribution of $1,000,000 through 2014.
To order Athena go to the case water section of the cart and look for the Athena logo.
*Customer subject to CA CASH REFUND and applicable bottle deposits on purchased cases.